Memphis Baptist City Laymen Movement
Our Purpose
Encourage the Men and Boys of Tennessee to be more involved in the Ministry of Jesus Christ within their Family, Church, this Convention and Community
Our Vision
The Christian men and boys of Tennessee are fully engaged in the ministry of Jesus Christ within their church, their District, the TBM&EC Laymen and the National Baptist Laymen Movement. Their work is effectively attracting unsaved men, women, boys and girls to salvation in Jesus Christ.
Our Planned Work
Looking to the new year of work in this ministry some work is new, and we will continue to strive to improve our progress toward that high calling. I thank the men of the Leadership Team and those men that support them and this Ministry. I continue to encourage Pastors and Moderators to encourage the men of their congregation and Districts will add their strength to this ministry work. We plan to diligently engage in the following Convention and National ministry activities.
Provide Devotional Services: For each Regional or Statewide meeting the Laymen Ministry will open each Session with Spirit filled Devotional Services. When others are designated for that service, the Laymen Ministry will provide support as needed.
Promote Men’s Ministry Work in the Church and Beyond: It is essential that the men of every congregation bring strength to every ministry of the church. Men must be viewed as the strongest supporter of the Pastor’s God Given Vision for the congregation and deliver that strength in the form of work that effectively implements that vision. The Laymen Ministry will continue to promote men’s and boys’ active involvement in the ministry work of Jesus in their congregation, the Districts and the Convention.
Continue Recruitment Efforts: Each Region will work to get at least two Districts beyond their own participating Convention’s Laymen Ministry work. The long term (2 to 4 years) goal is to create a culture of men’s ministry within the Convention. The work continues to encourage all the Laymen District Presidents be an essential part of the Convention and National Laymen work.
Communication with the Laymen Leadership Team: The Laymen Ministry Leadership Team meets each month via teleconference to discuss ministry work that been completed, the status of work in progress and plan next steps of new work or future work. The communication effort will also continue include discussions with the Laymen Ministry of the Tennessee Regular Baptist Missionary & Educational Convention regarding ministry work we have teamed with them. Continue to convey to the Leadership and Laymen Ministry information received from National Baptist Laymen Movement.
The Laymen Ministry Web Page: The Page will be completely revised to provide information that will assist Laymen, Pastors and Moderators gain an improved understanding of Laymen Ministry work and function. The Page will display foundational information, such as scriptural basis and guidance statements. It will show how to organize for effective ministry in the church and beyond. Some fundamentals about conducting effective meetings and planning.
Disaster Relief Ministry: Continue to revise the Disaster Relief Ministry Handbook to provide detailed information that will assist every church of the Convention effectively participate in
the Disaster Relief Ministry. Refine the Brochure to ensure it effectively acts as Quick Reference Guide for individuals. Complete design and development of training materials that will be part of the Missions and Disaster Relief Course. Maintain communication and relationship the Commission’s Missions Ministry to ensure we are all up-to-date on the current developments in the Disaster Relief arena. Maintain a working relationship with the National Baptist Convention’s Disaster Management Team and groups around the country working in this area. Partner with Disaster Relief Teams across the National Baptist Convention to help as needed deliver aid to Brothers and Sisters and their family impacted by natural disasters.
Southwest Region Laymen Workshop: The Ozell Wright Session of the Walter Cade, Jr. Southwest Laymen Workshop will be held in Memphis, TN July 26 to 28, 2019 at Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center located at 2240 Democrat Rd. This three-day Workshop will be attended by men, women, and youth (including Ministers and Pastors) from the seven states of the Southwest Region of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. The Laymen Ministry of this Convention and the Tennessee Regular Baptist Missionary & Educational Convention are working together to deliver a spirit filled experience of preaching, teaching and outreach. This Workshop is funded by registrations, souvenir journal ads, T-shirts sales, donations and sponsorships from civic groups and vendors as well as Laymen Ministries across Tennessee.
Financial Commitments: Each Laymen District is asked to contribute $100.00 during each statewide Convention meeting, including the Regional Annual Sessions, the Adjourned Session, the Congress of Christian Education, and the Annual Session. There will be no additional statewide fund raisers in the Laymen Ministry during Calendar Year 2019; the men of the District will prayerfully produce these contributions. With a minimum of 10 Districts participating, this process could produce $4,000.00 in contributions to the Convention for year 2019 from the Laymen Ministry. The Laymen Assessment Form is used to make all contributions to the TBM&E Convention.
A financial request will be made to the Convention to support two National Laymen fund raising efforts with a contribution of $750.00 for each activity for 2019. The financial request will be adjusted according to an agreement between the Laymen President and the Convention President. Based on this financial plan the Laymen Ministry will contribute $750.00 for 2019. As the Laymen Ministry continues to grow, there will be improvements to these contributions in the future. There remain men with untapped talent and skills within the Districts and Churches of this Convention that can help move the Laymen Ministry to the next level of effectiveness. This Ministry to grow and is on the road to meeting its potential and is becoming the benefit it is destined for in this Convention and be a resource to Pastors and Moderators. With strong support and encourage the men of congregations and Districts will continue to get involved in this statewide ministry.
Humbly Submitted
Deacon Robert A. Pope, President
Laymen Ministry
Chairman, Disaster Relief Ministry